Year 11 Revision

This page is a revision ‘hub’ for Year 11s to access at home. 

Well done for making it this far. Please remember that  the point of revision is to reinforce what you already know and to find out and then learn what you don’t know. If you do your revision well you should be able to recall the things you have revised when it gets to the exams. The materials you will find in this area of the website are not new; you will have been given them in class already.

However, we thought it would be useful to have all these helpful documents and links in one place where you can easily find them whether you are in school or at home. We hope you find this area helpful, but please let your teachers know if there is anything missing that you would find useful.

Exam and Revision Timetable for Year 11s

Learning Boosts Booklet for Year 11 Students

What and How To Revise

Online Platform Tutorials

GCSE Subject Support from each Department

GCSE Design and Technology
GCSE Food, Preparation and Nutrition
GCSE French
GCSE Drama
GCSE Mathematics
GCSE Geography
GCSE Psychology
GCSE Music Technology
GCSE Religious Studies
GCSE Science
GCSE Spanish
GCSE German
GCSE Computer Science
GCSE Music
GCSE English
GCSE Media Studies

Mock Specific Revision 2024/25

Business Studies Revision

Computer Science




Geography Revision

Paper 3-

  • People and the Biosphere
  • Forests Under Threat
  • Consuming Energy Resources


History Exam Structure and Technique


Media Studies


Music Technology

Physical Education





Specifications and Past Papers

Please navigate to the Curriculum subject pages for specifications and past papers.

Looking after your mental health during exam season

Young minds Exam Stress Support

Digital Subscriptions

Sparx Maths

Seneca Learning

