PSRE & Religious Studies

PSRE curriculum 2022-23

6th form

Half term PSHE programme: sexual harassment, finance, pregnancy/fertility, religious tolerance, drugs and alcohol, mental health and well-being, inclusion/diversity and British values

Religious Studies

Key StageQualificationCourse CodeExam Board
KS4GCSE ​AQA Religious Studies 8062 AQA
KS5A Level AQA Philosophy 7172 AQA

Years 10 & 11

Course Content
This GCSE gives you the opportunity to study and consider some of the major religious beliefs and practices in addition to topical moral and philosophical issues in modern life. You will begin to understand how and why religious faith affects a person’s moral choices and allows you to discuss questions about the meaning and purpose of life. The qualification is well regarded and develops excellent academic skills such as the ability to interpret and evaluate information and how to write in an extended style. The course is fully accessible to those with or without a religious faith.

Course content

Component 1:
The Study of Religions
Beliefs, teaching and practices of from:
Written exam, 1 hour 45 minutes
96 +5 marks for spelling, punctuation and grammar (SPaG)
50% of GCSE
Each religion has a common structure of two 5-part questions.
1, 2, 4, 5 and 12 marks.
Each religion is marked out of 48
Component 2:
Thematic Studies
A Relationships and families
B Religion and life
C The existence of God and revelation
D Religion, peace and conflict
Written exam, 1 hour 45 minutes
96 +5 marks for spelling, punctuation and grammar (SPaG)
50% of GCSE
Each theme has a common structure of one 5-part question.
1, 2, 4, 5 and 12 marks.
Each theme is marked out of 24

Sixth Form

Module 1: Epistemology
A: What is knowledge?
B: Perception as a source of knowledge
C: Reason as a source of knowledge
D: The limits of knowledge
(Epistemology and Moral Philosophy)
Written exam, 3 hours
50% of A Level
Module 2: Moral Philosophy
A: Normative and ethical theories
B: Applied ethics
C: Meta-ethics
(Epistemology and Moral Philosophy)
Written exam, 3 hours
50% of A Level
Module 3: Metaphysics of God
A:The concept and nature of ‘God’
B: Arguments relating to the existence of God
C: Religious language
(Metaphysics of God and Metaphysics of Mind)
Written exam, 3 hours
50% of A Level
Module 4: Metaphysics of Mind
A: What do we mean by ‘mind’?
B: Physicalist theories
C: Functionalism
(Metaphysics of God and Metaphysics of Mind)
Written exam, 3 hours
50% of A Leve