Subjects Curriculum

For a Gillingham School Prospectus containing detailed course and exam board information please state preference: Lower School or Sixth Form and email:

Key Stage 3

In Year 7 you will be required to follow the compulsory national curriculum subjects:

English, Maths, Science, History, Geography, Modern Foreign Languages, Design and Technology, Art and Design, Music, Physical Education, Citizenship, and Computing.

We will also provide Relationships, sex and health education and Religious Education.

Options Year 8 into 9

Year 9 is a ‘transition year’ between Key Stage 3 and 4. You will study five option subjects alongside the core. The aim is to offer an element of choice, whilst maintaining a broad and balanced curriculum. Leading to an informed choice in Years 10. We will provide you with full details via EduLink.

Key Stage 4: The compulsory national curriculum subjects are the ‘core’ and ‘foundation’ subjects:

KS4 Core

GCSE final grades are reported on the scale from 9 to 1, where 9 is the highest grade.

English Literature and Language

Mathematics is used in many aspects of everyday life, and teaches you practical skills; the ability to structure and solve problems, work logically and make sense of complex information.

Mathematics will complement other GCSE subjects such as Science and Technology. If you wish to go on to higher level study, a good GCSE grade is essential.

People who do well in Mathematics are those who are well-organised, methodical and who have persistence to not give up but to try again with a new approach.

Exam board: Edexcel

Homework: Sparx Maths students will complete 45 minutes (KS3) to an hour (KS4) each week and obtain 100% to pass.

Science Triple and Combined

A high quality science education provides the foundations for understanding the world through the specific disciplines of Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Students are taught essential aspects of the knowledge, methods, processes and uses of science.

Through building up a body of key foundational knowledge and concepts, students are encouraged to recognise the power of rational explanation and develop a sense of excitement, curiosity about natural phenomena.

Students are encouraged to understand how science can be used to explain what is occurring, predict how things will behave, and analyse causes.

Exam board: AQA, OCR, Pearson

A-Z Subjects at KS4

Business Studies

Business Studies is a combined course which includes elements of GCSE and BTEC. Students then choose one of those two pathways to continue in Years 10 and 11.

You will need to be able to; 

Communicate and explain your ideas, Thinking creatively and make decisions, Working with numbers to solve business problems, Learn about the world of business through research and investigation, as well as through the practical tasks.

Computer Science

To gain practical experience of designing, writing, and testing computer programs. Develop ability to reason, explain and evaluate, with awareness of current and emerging trends. This is an intellectually challenging course that requires a high level of computational thinking and mathematical skills.

Understanding and awareness of:

  • Algorithms, what they are used for and how they work; ability to interpret, amend and create algorithms.
  • The requirements for writing program code.
  • The binary representation, data representation, data storage and compression, encryption and databases.
  • Components of computer systems; ability to construct truth tables, produce logic statements.
  • Computer networks, the internet and the worldwide web.
  • Emerging trends in computing technologies, impact of computing on individuals, society and the environment, including ethical, legal and ownership issues.
  • Develop program code and constructs, data types, structures, input/output, operators and subprograms.
Design Technology

Developing a range of skills to equip students for their role in society and work. Investigating the core principles of design and learn about a wide range of materials and their application. Students can choose one focus area to study in Year 9:

Textile Products Develop fabric-based projects; Fashion, accessories and interior furnishings are just some of the routes that students will investigate, and some more unusual uses for fabrics such as those used in medicine, sport and the automotive industry.

Electronics Basic electronic principles that will involve studying a range of key electronic components and how they can be combined to create different circuit types. Students will be aware of the soldering process and how to simulate their designs on CAD software. The design of casings to house the circuits allows students to apply their knowledge of polymer and wood-based materials. Developing knowledge of the users needs.

Product Design
A deeper understanding of material properties, with a particular focus on woods, plastics and papers and boards. Develop practical skills by constructing simple wooden and plastic structures, as well as prototyping designs using paper and boards. Developing knowledge of Computer Aided Design (CAD) and 2D Design software. Their is the opportunity to explore CAM manufacturing processes, such as the laser cutter.

Digital Applications

The integration of digital media including combinations of electronic text, graphics, moving images and sound into a structured digital computerised environment allowing people to interact with data for appropriate purposes. Main focus is on website construction and digital assets, components of websites. A practical course where students will become expert in the use of software for website authoring, image handling, sound editing and animated graphics production.


Drama offers students the opportunities to develop their practical skills and to enhance their appreciation and understanding of live productions and a range of play texts. It enables students to create and explore fictional contexts in order to reflect on their own and others’ experience and understanding of the world; it encourages imaginative and analytical thinking and can play an important part in equipping students for the demands of society.

Fine Art

Art is a creative subject that encourages you to challenge yourself, take risks and learn from them. You develop your imagination at the same time as watching your Art skills grow. You explore new techniques and create artwork that really means something to you. If you opt to study Art you will have the opportunity to learn and develop 2D and 3D skills in drawing, painting, photography, printmaking and more.

Food Preparation and Nutrition

Lessons will be practical and theory based. You will have the opportunity to develop skills in the following areas:

  • Food Preparation: Preparing, cooking and presenting high quality meals.
  • Food Science: Investigating and applying the scientific principles involved in the preparation of foods, as well as understanding the functions of ingredients.
  • Nutrition and Food Choices: Understanding detailed principles of nutrition and healthy eating to make informed decisions for a range of different needs.
  • Food Safety: Understanding food hygiene and safety techniques.
  • Food Provenance: Learning about where our food comes from and about the huge challenges that we face globally to supply the world with nutritious and safe food.

Students learn about the world we live in. Learning about people and their societies, economies, cultures and the environment, as well as developing a wide range of skills. Looking ahead, Geography also provides above average graduate employability.

There has never been a better or more important time to study Geography. With growing interest in issues such as climate change, migration, environmental damage and social structure, Geography is one of the most relevant courses you could choose to study. Whatever your passion for the world – Geography will provide students with knowledge, understanding and transferable skills that will reward them personally and academically!


“To remain ignorant of the past is to remain a child” Cicero. What makes history so important is that by looking into the past we can understand the world we live in today. You’ll love learning about the incredible people and circumstances that shaped the world as we know it. You’ll also learn valuable skills like: critical thinking, analysis and the ability to construct persuasive arguments. These skills are highly respected by employers and universities alike and will help you beyond school and in your futures.

Media Studies

Media is the tool we use to communicate with, educate and entertain each other. This involves many things, including films, television, magazines, video games, newspapers, the internet and radio.

In this subject you will learn to understand and explain these things. You will also learn to produce them yourself.

This would be a great option for a student who is curious and interested in the wider world. For someone who enjoys debates, discussions and new ideas. Or someone who is interested in culture or politics.

Modern Foreign Languages

If you enjoy communicating with other people, finding out how language works and learning about different countries and deepen your understanding of other cultures, studying a language is an excellent choice for you. I t can improve cognitive abilities, boost your confidence and make travel more enriching.

It can open up career opportunities, as many employers look for people who can speak a foreign language. Only 25% of the world’s population speak English.

Languages: French, German, Spanish

Music and Music Technology

Studying Music will help you to develop your love, ideas and understanding of music as well as making closer links between the music you listen to and that which you perform and compose. You’ll learn how to recognise and describe different styles of music and the techniques used within them.

If you have opted to study music, in Year 9 you will have an introduction into Music Technology which will allow you to chose GCSE Music (Eduqas) or NCFE Level 2 Technical Award in Music Technology. This will be an alternative course to GCSE Music and interest those students keen to learn more about music production and recording.


Photography is a creative subject that encourages you to challenge yourself, take risks and learn from them. You develop your skills with the camera and your way of looking at the world around you. If you opt to study Photography you will learn and develop technical skills such as use of aperture, shutter speed, composition, lighting, photoshop editing, drawing, painting and darkroom techniques. You will analyse and write about many photographers’ work in detail and use their ideas and techniques as inspiration in your own artwork.

Physical Education

BTEC Sport

Skills learnt in studying a BTEC first will aid progression to further study and prepare pupils to enter the workplace in due course. In the sport sector, typical employment opportunities may include working as a sport coach or as a fitness instructor. Due to the vocational nature of the course, students’ time management skills and motivation to succeed will be vital. During this course students build up their end grade across the two years through regular assessments rather than synoptic exams.


Physical Education provides a comprehensive understanding of how to live a healthy and active lifestyle, develops practical skills in various sports, enhances physical fitness, teaches important life skills like teamwork and resilience, and can open doors to further study or careers in sports science, coaching, physiotherapy, and related fields.

You should be playing sport regularly both in and outside of school. Not only will this develop your practical ability but also your understanding of rules, tactics and strategy. 


Provides a deep understanding of human behaviour and the mind, allowing you to learn key theories and concepts about why people think and act the way they do, which can be valuable for personal development and a range of future careers, including in mental health, business, education, and social work; it also develops critical thinking, research skills, and analytical abilities that are sought after by employers and universities. 

PSRE & Religious Studies

The opportunity to study and consider some of the major religious beliefs and practices in addition to topical moral and philosophical issues in modern life. You will begin to understand how and why religious faith affects a person’s moral choices and allows you to discuss questions about the meaning and purpose of life. The qualification is well regarded and develops excellent academic skills such as the ability to interpret and evaluate information and how to write in an extended style. The course is fully accessible to those with or without a religious faith.

Science (Triple & Combined)

High quality science education provides the foundations for understanding the world through the specific disciplines of Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Students are taught essential aspects of the knowledge, methods, processes and uses of science.

Through building up a body of key foundational knowledge and concepts, students are encouraged to recognise the power of rational explanation and develop a sense of excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena.

Students are encouraged to understand how science can be used to explain what is occurring, predict how things will behave, and analyse causes.

In Year 9 students build on the concepts and skills that they developed in previous years. They continue to progress through adding more depth into their understanding. All students will initially begin studying topics covered in Combined Science, which will build up to include topics covered in Triple Science.

A decision will be made in partnership with students and parents during Year 10 regarding choosing Combined Science or Triple Science.

Sixth Form

Find out about our vibrant Sixth Form by visiting the Welcome to Sixth Form page.

Gillingham School is proud to offer a diverse range of qualifications and study, in Sixth Form.

From September 2026 we are pleased to be adding A Level Sociology and Digital T Levels.

A-Z Subjects at Sixth Form

Business Studies

Business Studies is a practical introduction to life and work as an entrepreneur, students will develop:

  • Aptitude in planning and carrying out an enterprise activity.
  • Knowledge that underpins the effective use of skills that can affect the performance of an enterprise.
  • Attitudes and ways of working that are important for enterprise.
  • A knowledge and understanding of elements of promotion and financial records.
  • Interpret and use promotional and financial information in relation to a given enterprise.
  • Make connections between different factors influencing a given enterprise.
  • Advise and provide recommendations to a given enterprise on ways to improve its performance.
Computer Science

An understanding of, and the ability to:

  • Fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, including abstraction, decomposition, logic, algorithms and data representation.
  • Analyse problems, including writing programs to do so.
  • Capacity for thinking creatively, innovatively, analytically, logically and critically. 
  • Capacity to see relationships between different aspects of computer science.
  • Articulate the individual (moral), social (ethical), legal and cultural opportunities and risks of digital technology.

Exam board: Eduqas

Alternative: Information Technology BTEC Level 3 National Extended

English Literature and Language

EPQ Extended Project Qualification

An independent study course offered to Sixth Form students at the end of Year 12, they continue and complete in Year 13. The Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) is popular with students and teachers alike. It provides an opportunity for students to extend their abilities beyond their Sixth Form course of study, stand out and prepare for university or their future career.

Design Technology

Product Design

Fashion and Textiles

Food Science and Nutrition

Drama and Theatre Studies

Combining practical performance with the theoretical study of plays. It can help students develop their creativity and understanding of dramatic texts and performance techniques. 

  • Participate in devised and scripted drama productions
  • Study plays and playwrights
  • Work on monologues, duologues, and small group work
  • Learn about dramatic texts and performance techniques

You can also study theatre set design and theatre lighting

Fine Art

This course encourages you to be visually aware of the world around you, recording your experiences and observations. Initially you will focuses on drawing, painting and printmaking, before students then begin to create personal work that can develop these techniques as well as investigating photography, textiles, ceramics or sculpture. During the course you will develop your creativity, skills and knowledge.

Students explore, analyse and study the work of a broad range of artists and influences from past and recent times and you will use this experience to influence your own developing style. You will be encouraged to visit galleries and museums to experience art work first hand independently as well as on visits organised by the school.

Food and Nutrition

Developing knowledge and practical skills in food and nutrition, preparing students for university or careers in the food industry. 

  • Understand the relationship between food and the human body
  • Learn how to cook and prepare food
  • Develop an understanding of nutrition and how to apply it to different people
  • Learn about the working properties of food and nutrients
  • Understand the links between food science, technology, nutrition, and health

Students understand how humans and the physical world interact. It also helps students understand the issues that affect society. Subjects covered are Water and carbon cycles, Landscape systems, Global systems and governance, Sustainability, and Geographical analysis. 

Analytical skills, Critical thinking, Communication, Data collection and manipulation, Evaluation, Problem solving, and Teamwork.


Students learn about the past and how it has shaped the present. Students develop skills in analysing historical events, forming opinions, and interpreting historical evidence. 

Maths, Further and Core


A challenging course that covers advanced math concepts and techniques. Students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. 

Algebra and functions, Coordinate geometry, Sequences, Calculus, Trigonometry, Exponentials and logarithms, Mechanics, Statistics.

Further Mathematics

Students study mathematics at a higher level. It can help prepare students for university courses in physics, engineering, and economics. 

Core Maths

You will learn about the application of maths to real-life problem solving in contexts such as Data Analysis, Interest Rates and Taxation and Estimation. The course is one year, and only available in Year 12. Exams take place at the end of year 12.

Media Studies

Discuss and analysis various media forms like television, film, print, and digital platforms, examining their content, production techniques, audience reception, and societal impact, often incorporating theoretical frameworks to understand how media shapes our perception of the world; it’s considered a humanities subject that can lead to careers in journalism, marketing, public relations, or media production. 

Modern Foreign Languages

Continuing your language learning into sixth form is beneficial because it deepens your understanding of language, enhances cultural awareness, you develop advanced communication skills, and opens up a range of career opportunities, like working abroad.

Languages: French, German, Spanish

Music and Music Technology

Music and Music Technology at Sixth Form can be a useful course to progress on to other Arts, Technology and Media courses. The skills you develop through studying music, such as self-discipline, cooperation and high level analysis skills, are greatly valued.


Photography will develop your creativity in many ways. You will gain a more informed understanding and appreciation of both the photographic art form and the world around you and you will have the opportunity to work in digital form and in specialist dark room facilities. You will develop your imaginative, experimental and expressive powers as well as your intellectual, analytical and technical skills.

You will be encouraged to work in more than one of the following areas:

  • Portraiture
  • Landscape photography (working from urban, rural and/or coastal environments)
  • Still-life photography
  • Documentary photography, photo journalism
  • Experimental imagery
  • Photographic installation, video, television and film

Throughout your studies, you will learn how feeling and meanings can be conveyed and interpreted in images and artefacts. You will examine historical and contemporary developments and different styles and genres and appreciate how images and artefacts relate to the time and place in which they were created.

Physical Education

A Level Physical Education delivers a well-rounded and full introduction into the world of PE, sport and sports science, providing a strong base from which to move onto higher education, employment or further training. The emphasis throughout the course is on the development of knowledge, application of knowledge, competence and confidence in a wide variety of skills. You will learn how Physical Education affects and contributes to society and also how to apply your knowledge from this course to any number of different practical situations or career choices.

Although not necessary to have studied the subject at GCSE, this is strongly advised as previously acquired knowledge of examination PE will underpin learning at this level. There is also an increase in the amount of scientific study, together with the inclusion of data analysis requiring mathematical skills.


Further study provides a deep understanding of human behaviour and the mind, allowing you to learn key theories and concepts about why people think and act the way they do, which can be valuable for personal development and a range of future careers, including in mental health, business, education, and social work; it also develops critical thinking, research skills, and analytical abilities that are sought after by employers and universities. 

PSRE & Religious Studies

We cover topics such as the nature of religion, philosophy, and ethics. They also explore the major world religions and their traditions. 

Science (Triple & Combined)

Biology, Chemistry, Physics

taking advanced level courses in subjects like Biology, Chemistry, and Physics, delve deeper into scientific concepts learnt at GCSE level, preparing students for university degrees in science-related fields or careers within STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) industries; it involves a significant focus on practical laboratory work, complex theoretical understanding, and developing strong analytical and problem-solving skills. 

Alternative: Applied Science BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate