Governors information & duties

The constitution of the Board of Governors of Gillingham School specifies a position for one Local Authority Governor.  A vacancy has occurred due to the end of term of the four-year term of the current Governor.  To register your interest, please contact: Clerk to the Governors Pam Henderson, on  

The Function of the Governing Body

The governing body is an essential part of the management of the school, bringing with it, as it does, a wide range of experience and interests from the world of work and the community. It is well supported by Dorset Governor Services, who provide information, guidance and regular training opportunities.

The Role of the Governing Body

The Board of Governors is responsible to parents and the community, served by the school. The school is managed by the Head teacher and senior leadership team, with the governing body acting as a critical friend, in helping to maintain and improve the standard of education provided by the school. This broadly concerns issues such as curriculum matters, finance and the use of buildings and facilities.

A particularly enjoyable role of the Governing Body is to make presentations at Founders’ Day.  An afternoon of celebration of the achievements of our younger year groups in the name of the Founders of Gillingham School.  

The Governors also play an active role in presenting shields, trophies and prizes at our Annual Speech Day Awards. Speech Day is an afternoon of celebration for the achievements of our Upper School students and also, former students.

Governors have no individual authority so if you would like to contact the Board of Governors, please do so via the School.

Members of the Governing Body 

Mr Patrick Andrews, Co-opted Governor

Mr Richard Harvey, Co-opted Governor

Mr Richard Hopton, Parent Governor

Ms Lucinda Warren, Parent Governor

Mr Andrew Jenkins, Foundation Governor

Mr Mat Lake, Co-opted Governor

Mr Ian Day, Co-opted Governor, Vice Chairman of Governing Body

Mr Nick Borrill, Co-opted Governor

Mr Guy Lowton, Chairman of Governing Body

Mrs Jane Rees, Foundation Governor

Mr Tim Sharp, Foundation Governor

Mr Stephen Uden, Co-opted Governor

Ms Emma Vallender, Staff Governor

Clerk to Governors: Mrs Pam Henderson

Governors List and Attendance